Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cigs yet again!

And now it's time for another cigarette related post. Monday was my last review in progress for my final photography assignment. I have plans of where I'd like to go, but this week was kinda just a throw away for me. I was pleased with these few photos out of the 80 I took.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Paint Study

I hate touching paint. It is just so gross and unnecessary...I wanted to do some pieces based around my distaste of paint. However, I think they actually turned out positive verses negative. I'm pleased with the color.


This was my Donnie Darko inspired image. I wanted to make a modern version of Frank's mask and I wanted to focus on symmetry. I really like this for some reason. My Professor called it a death mask.

Blood Bath

3 jugs of Hawaiian Punch, and half a bottle of green food coloring later...I wound up with this. I wanted to do something dark and less perfect focus. I wanted something different. I've been watching crime shows with my mother so this came to mind during one of the Law and Order SVU marathons that was on.

Miss Yearion

I went on an adventure downtown with my good friend Miss Yearion. These were shot before the engagement photos, when it was still a little warm outside. She really has great skin and a very toned body. She did a very nice job modeling for me.


Feet are just messed up hands...I love that.


I really enjoy plant pictures, but I don't like it when they are vibrant scenes of happiness for some reason...These are some of my favorites.

Trip Photo

Chicago is certainly my home away from home.

My Jubalynn

Here are a few candids I took of a good friend from work. She is such a cutie and I love her beautiful eyes. Her hands are also very nice. they are very smooth and a pretty peachy color. I enjoyed spending time with her.

Crosley Building

These photos mark a personal victory. I've been trying to break into the Crosley Building for almost a year and if I didn't fear incarceration by human law authorities I would have been in there sooner. /i love the decay of this building, and it's so large. I most likely only made it through about half of it and I really just want to go back.