Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cigs yet again!

And now it's time for another cigarette related post. Monday was my last review in progress for my final photography assignment. I have plans of where I'd like to go, but this week was kinda just a throw away for me. I was pleased with these few photos out of the 80 I took.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Paint Study

I hate touching paint. It is just so gross and unnecessary...I wanted to do some pieces based around my distaste of paint. However, I think they actually turned out positive verses negative. I'm pleased with the color.


This was my Donnie Darko inspired image. I wanted to make a modern version of Frank's mask and I wanted to focus on symmetry. I really like this for some reason. My Professor called it a death mask.

Blood Bath

3 jugs of Hawaiian Punch, and half a bottle of green food coloring later...I wound up with this. I wanted to do something dark and less perfect focus. I wanted something different. I've been watching crime shows with my mother so this came to mind during one of the Law and Order SVU marathons that was on.

Miss Yearion

I went on an adventure downtown with my good friend Miss Yearion. These were shot before the engagement photos, when it was still a little warm outside. She really has great skin and a very toned body. She did a very nice job modeling for me.


Feet are just messed up hands...I love that.


I really enjoy plant pictures, but I don't like it when they are vibrant scenes of happiness for some reason...These are some of my favorites.